Saturday, December 15, 2012

Where have you been?


Where have you been? are you lost? or having a jungle trekking ? are you out of credit? are you busy? are you lost my phone number or you lost your phone? or...are you forgotten me?..

Its seems like you have forgotten it true dear?. Tell me coz' im dying to knew the answer..and all the unanswered question in my mind. Are you trying to avoiding me? If no, why you give me a silent treatment like this? just.. why?

I cant stand any longer this way.

And all I do everyday is struggle to hide my tears and even my sadness

And if I can meet you, I want to tell you that I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. I wanna tell you that how I miss to hear your voice, to read your text I miss to see you..

Can my dreams come true?. Can I meet you Dear? Can I hear your voice again? Can we text-ing each other like before again? Can we? Can I?

I need a space

I wonder if you might miss me like I do. Dont you feel so?

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