my hockey team batch 2012
HOCKEY! my loves forever..I loves playing hockey since in primary school..even I never skipped the training..hurm..till now, its still apart of me..just,..
Its hard to explain..but..i think, i should stop playing this sport..eventhough i loves the game.
Im the striker, Im the senior, Coach always lay his trust on me, he always praise me of my talent, my skill..
Sometimes, my teammates got jealous of what he's doing..They feel likes they've been ignored by him, but i dont think so..Usually, when training session, i dont talk much, i dont even bother about their jokes or what..i dont care..all i do are concentrated of what couch taught..do what he ask we all to do..straight..not playing around like them.. Even, im not burst a laugh whenever they made a jokes,..cause..i dont take part..its just me, couch and the stick..
They respect me..they threat me well..same like i do..owh yes..i do like them..they're nice, skillful player..they're my team..it just, i cant be apart of them..i feel it.Seems like they too respect me..and i dont like it..well..im not a good player as i know, and everybody know..but they threat me like i am..tough..
well..i miss my old team..when we can be ourselves..when we loves to share our skill n strategy..
when we have joy break after the training..teh tarik and so on..I miss it..that what im looking for.!
Owh yes! you need to respect the elder..but come on! we're in team..we are just same..
same aged even we're not, same in all things..in that way, we can feel the family attraction..
its much helping in the match..
Dears team,
I dont know whether im playing this season..yea..Its my last chances..my last year..i know it..i know it very well..just, give a time to think about it..I promise you the best..I will
And..and..and..I think..Azilah would be better to be a captain..not me..im tortoise player..uhuh!
Not fit at all..
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